Our TELEHEALTH COACHING has a 6-year proven track record of success for clients seeking help in the privacy of their own homes. Our research has shown by removing the sterile clinical environment allows for a more relaxing and open exchange which speeds up the coaching process.

THE Mental Health Coaching Team!

You should have the freedom to recover in your own living environment. Using various techniques including SE (somatic experience) and NLP (neuro linguistic programming) Brain Spotting along with strict accountability check-ins throughout the day, our online coaching has a proven track record of success. The program also includes traditional behavioral science psychology and trauma work.

At Robb Kelly Recovery Group, we focus on healing the body, mind, and spirit of our clients. We are constantly reminding our clients that the real problem is our thinking. Utilizing Neuro-Linguistic programming, Somatic Experiencing Techniques, and behavior observation- we can change our thought pattern – we can change our behavior. Positive thoughts lead to positive behavior.

At Robb Kelly Recovery Group, we treat clients from all walks of life, and we will work with anyone who desperately wants to recover. Robb Kelly has always used the phrase: “You cannot just buy our Services you have to earn them” Many people fail our assessment; they are not ready to get well. We refuse to take money off anyone who isn’t ready.


There have been hundreds of people who have walked through our door with their own agenda – but we will only treat those who truly wish to change their lives and recover.


At Robb Kelly Recovery Group, we focus on healing the body, mind, and spirit of our clients. We are constantly reminding our clients that the real problem is our thinking, not our drinking. Utilizing Neuro-Linguistic programming, Somatic Experiencing Techniques, and behavior observation- we can change our thought pattern – we can change our behavior. Positive thoughts lead to positive behavior.

Where The Real Work Begins

Many alcoholics and addicts believe that if they could just stop drinking or using, all their problems would be solved. Unfortunately, this is not the case. When the alcohol and drugs are removed, the addict is forced to look at themselves – their own thought pattern and their behavior that manifests from their thinking. This is where the real work begins.

Permanent Recovery

Dr Robb Kelly has been working with addicts and alcoholics over the last 30 years. He was tired of seeing addicts and alcoholics going in and out of treatment programs – remaining sober for a short period of time and then relapsing. He knows the current treatment model is broke and it doesn’t work. Recovery Coaching offers an alternative to traditional treatment for those who desperately want to recover permanently!

Results Coaching

Mental Well Being

Business Growth

Positive Mindset


Family Systems/Relationship/Communication

Inner Child

Trauma – Somatic Experience, Brain Spotting

9D Breathwork

Addiction Services

Addiction Recovery Coaching


Sober Coaching/Accountability

Sober Living/Travel Companion

Life Coaching

Mental Health Coaching

Somatic Experience/Brain Spotting for Trauma

Family Systems/Communication Treatment

Court Escorts

Escorts to Detox and In-Patient Facilities

Family Recovery

Adult Children of Alcoholic Coaching

Transform Your Life or Business

Start living the dream instead of dreaming of living. Build the bridge between where you are and where you want to be. Uncover those things holding you back. Identify your strengths + gifts and learn to live by them. Learn to celebrate who you are, even the parts you label as weaknesses. Learn what is working—and build on that. Begin to make new choices and form new habits. Receive support, encouragement, and motivation to achieve your goals.

life coaching for




Grief & Loss

Stress Management

Chronic Health Issues

Eating Disorders

Career Transition

Life Changes

Self Esteem


Confidence Building