26108 Overlook Pkwy, Ste 401
San Antonio, TX 78260
Ph: 210-620-3555

HIPPA Privacy Statement


The course goal is to provide attendees with the tools needed to effectively, ethically, and with purpose become recovery coaches. In addition, personal growth is an added benefit. In the process of working with the instructor and the tools provided for the course, information of a personal or sensitive nature may be divulged. We want to assure you that any information shared will be kept confidential.


Robb Kelly Recovery Group, LLC takes the privacy of our clients very seriously. Your information is the physical property and responsibility of Robb Kelly Recovery Group, LLC.


Robb Kelly Recovery Group, LLC adheres to federal standards to maintain the privacy of information collected about you.


Disclosure or use of information or records for any purpose outside the above is prohibited without express written consent from the client. In the event a client would like information to be shared, please contact Janet Kelly at janet@robbkelly.com to complete a release of information form.